We welcome you to study Jyotisha ज्योतिष in our Gurukulam (teacher- disciple) program. Jyotisha translates as “light on life” since its science provides information to the individual to understand where they are, have been, and could be and the reasons for such. Note – In ancient India, Jyotisha included both astrology and astronomy, herein referred to as either “Jyotisha” or “Astrology”.
Our two Gurukulam programs – Jyotish Alankar (Level 1) and Jyotish Acharya (Level 2) courses are highly experiential. Both programs include theory, application/interpretation with practicum, and research in Jyotisha. These programs are for both students with no prior experience and/or for those seasoned professionals who want to advance further in their skills. Graduates from these programs will improve their and their client’s quality and understanding of life.
Our Gurukulam method of teaching imparts sacred knowledge of Vedas and instill in every student discipline, technological superiority and ethical standards in order to improve the quality of life of the human race. We strictly follow classical based Jyotisha. We do not endorse views on remedial measures as currently being marketed and sold now a days, except those given in Brihat Parashar Hora shastra. On successful completion of Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya Course, the students are awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Our education methods will be customized based on the students areas of interest, previous Jyotisha experience, and cover the following topics:
General Astrology
- Relevance of Astrology
- Qualification of an Astrologer
- Astrology and Science
- Astrology and Genetics
- Astrology and Karma
- Astrology and Psychology
- History of Astrology
- Astrology in Mythology
- Intro to Saṃskṛtam
- Intro to Vedas
Medical Astrology
- Basics of Āyurveda
- Medical Astrology
- Prakruti and Vikruti (body & mind constitutions)
- Āyurveda and Modern Medical Terminology & Science
- Astrology and Genetics
- Karma, Psychology and Family History
Mathematical Astrology
- Astrological Terminologies
- The Differences : Standard Time, Local time, Sidereal time. Greenwich time
- Time Zones
- Sunrise, Sunset, duration of day and night
- Ishtkaal (Conversion of traditionally recorded birth time)
- Determining the ascendant by modern and traditional methods
- Planetary longitudes
- The horoscope
- Bhavas (cusp of houses)
- Divisional Charts
- Saptavargas
- Aprakashit Grahas
Astronomy relevant to Astrology
- The earth and the zodiac
- Division of zodiac into signs and constellations
- The planetary systems
- Rahu and Ketu
- Latitude, Longitude, equator and ecliptic
- Precession of equinoxes
- Sidereal and tropical zodiacs
- Ayanamsha
- Lunar, Solar and Luni-Solar years
- Eclipses
- Panchangas / Ephemeris
- Brief history of Astronomy in India
Predictive Astrology
- Signs and their characteristics
- Ownership of signs
- Characteristics of planets, exaltation, debilitation, mooltrikona, combustion etc.
- Mutual planetary relationship
- Significations of planets, signs and houses
- Malefic and benefic planets for different ascendants
- Aspects
- Avasthas of planets
- Characteristics of different ascendants
- Planets in different houses
- Yoga : Yoga arising in relation to the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna.
Dhan Yogas, Raj Yogas. Mangal Dosha, General rules of judgment of horoscope
- Calculation of Vimshottari Dasha, Mahadasha, Antardasha and Pratyantardasha.
- Calculation of Yogini Dasha, Mahadasha and Antardasha.
- Timing of events. Use of Dasha and Transits in making predictions
- Planetary transits and their effects.
- Transit in relation to the Moon and Ascendant.
- Timing and Verifying of events through transits.
- Sade-Sati, Moorti Nirnaya
Concept of Ashtakvarga, Bhinnashtakvarga, Prastharashtakvarga. Sarvashtakvarga, Rekhashtakvarga, Trikon Shodhan, Ekadhipatya Shodhan and Shuddhapinda. Principles of interpretation through Ashtakvarga System. Ashtakvarga Ayureaya.
- Electional Astrology
- Classification and utilization of Tithi Vaar, Yoga, Karan and Nakshatra for choosing a Muhurta, Shodash samsakar.
- Assessment of horoscope in respect of marriage, early marriage, late marriage, denial of marriage, multiple marriages, marital discord, tragic events related to marriage, etc.
- Timings of marriage through dashas and transits.
- Matching of horoscopes for marriage.
- Promise of Children, delay and denial of children, timing of birth of children.